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Talks & Lectures

Gulf International Forum pannel discusion

I joined a fantastic group of experts discussing "The U.S.'s Defense and Security Role in a Changing Gulf Landscape" in Washington, D.C. (remotely).

(14 September 2023)


The PISM Strategic Ark Conference

I was invited to take part in the “Two Theaters or One: Balancing European and Indo-Pacific” session, which took place in Warsaw, Poland.

(19 May 2023)


I had the pleasure of being invited to lecture about Small States and International Relations at VMI.

(13 February 2023)


My remarks and Q&A at the 31st Annual Arab-U.S. Policymakers Conference in Washington, D.C.

(02 November 2022)

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Small States Dialogue and Course Visits.

My first virtual classroom talk was at Georgetown University from my home office in Washington, D.C.

(Spring 2020)


NCUSAR Webinar

In this webinar, I try to answer the "question, Pivot or Remain in Place? Examining the United States Military Presence in Arabia and the Gulf" in Washington, D.C. (remotely).

(29 June 2023)


The China-MENA Regional Discussion Forum.

It was a privilege to be asked to be the moderator with Dr.Fulton of this first-of-a-kind forum hosted by the Atlantic Council and Georgetown University in Doha, Qatar.

(09 March 2023)

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I was honored to be invited to lecture at the USMA at West Point on International Relations.

(06 February 2023)


I was pleased to participate in the “Global Political Map: Geopolitics for Practitioners” seminar at Georgetown University Qatar. (31 May 2022)

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